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Zimmer NexGen Knee

Medicolegal Consulting Services

Litigation involving the Zimmer NexGen Knee replacement system has become widespread due to patients reportedly suffering from numerous complications. If you’re in need of skilled medicolegal consulting, we are a physician and attorney owned and operated firm that provides comprehensive litigation support to plaintiff and defense attorneys. Our in-house physicians, nurses, and attorneys can review medical claims for merit, provide medical consulting, and organize and recommend a network of lawyers and relevant specialists for court testimony.

Current lawsuits involving Zimmer NexGen knee implants include claims of:

  • Fracturing of the device
  • Component corrosion
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Nerve damage
  • Loss of mobility

Qualified Medical Legal Services for Zimmer NexGen Cases

A case can be won or lost based off the medical details, particularly with a case involving a defective medical device. Put our qualified medical legal consultants in your corner and arm yourself with the resources and knowledge to take a stand in your client’s favor.

Contact Physicians Medical Review today.

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